Registration deadline:2018.10.23
Food Summit in China 2017 & 14th Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology(CIFST) will be held in Wuxi, China, during November 8-9th in 2017. This meeting is the ninth cooperation of the CIFST and IFT since Food summit in China 2002 ,Shanghai. During this meeting the food scientists of China and US will share the achievements of food science and technology as well as the achievement as the connection of science and industry, share the successful experience on building safety and healthy food supply chain and enjoy the good time together in Wuxi.

This conference is undertaken by Jiangnan University, Nanjing Agricultural University, Jiangsu University and Jiangsu Institute of Food Science and Technology.[detail>>]
Speaker  more>>

Christie Tarantino,Chief Executive Officer ,Institute of Food Technologists(IFT)

Herbert Stone,IFT Past President,Sci. Editor, J. Food Science

Cindy Stewart,IFT President-Elect